New Games
Super VGA Harrier

Another excellent, groundbreaking flight sim from Simis. Basically a huge graphical update over AV8B Harrier Assault, released months earlier. Apparently Simis put 'Super-VGA' in the name to celebrate the fact that it was the first SVGA flight sim ever made ;) 'This was the first SVGA sim, which meant that instead of VGA graphics of 320 x 200 pixels, we now had 640 x 400. The visuals were similar to what we had previously only seen in military simulators and in a beautiful set of pastel colours. This sim became an unwitting participant in the censorship debate in Australia as the Catholic Teachers Federation, apparently eschewing the formality of reading the manual let alone playing the sim, asked for it to be banned on the basis it was offensive to the East Timorese!